
Solar Powered Blimps

Solar Hybrid Airship Zeppelins

It is true, one of our competitors is trying to raise more than $150,000 to build a prototype solar Zeppelin... but we have already built one for far less. In fact we are selling it for about 1/10th their cost of prototyping.

We are now offering a 6 meter 700 watt solar eBlimp for only $19,000 USD!

Our next Solar system we are intending to develope will be an 8 meter 1000 watt system which we are expecting to sell  at $29,000.

For now, you can see a flight demo of the one of a kind solar eBlimp tin this video to the right. This solar eBlimp now belongs to Mothership Aeronautics. You can find them at Mothership.aero

Commercial Grade Solar Airships are finally  here!

Contact us today:  (949) 583 9571      eBlimp@yahoo.com        Skype: eBlimp

The Solar powered Airship shown above is capable of sustaining perpetual flight in direct sunlight, with low winds. The reserve battery power will allow for about an hour of higher speed flight, and can recharge its own batteries during low speed flight. The solar power even allows for powering the Video gimbal and HD video transmitter. The system shown above will sell at $19,000 without the video package, and the video package can add $500 or more, depending on the specific camera requirements. This is the first in a long line of our solar powered products to be developed over the coming years. Please inquire with us regarding your specifc requirements.